Compassion TEAM

Leader: Sister Maria Holmes

Finally, be all of one mind having compassion one of another,

love thy brethren, be pitiful, be courteous; (I Peter 3:8) 


Compassion TEAM Mission Statement

The Vision of the Compassion TEAM is to cultivate a spiritual and social environment where each member is valued and loved; to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit; to be sensitive to the needs of people, to be observant and to reach out to people in need.  To be motivated by unconditional love so that our actions emulate the mercy, love, kindness and gentleness of God through his Son Jesus Christ.

The Mission of the Compassion TEAM is to approach each concern or project in concert with the overall goals of Abundant Harvest Ministry that are particularly applicable to the compassion TEAM; a loving caring ministry, a ministry that fulfills the great commission.

The Primary Function/Purpose of the Compassion TEAM is to represent the love of God to members and visitors of Abundant Harvest as we compassionately and tangibly minister to their spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs.

The inclusion of the Youth in the Compassion Team encourages, trains and provides the opportunity for the youth and young adults to participate in the ministry of Helps.


Compassion TEAM - Statement of Operation in ACTION:

We will execute the written mission of the TEAM to the extent needed and possible when we are called into “action” in any of the following occasions:  bereavement, illness, hospitalization, hospitality and social needs.  We will represent the Love of God to members and visitors as we compassionately and tangibly minister to their spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs.

Our Response to the Call:

What will be done will be determined on an individual basis.  We will set a pattern that promotes fairness and similarity (to the degree possible) in our varied response.                                                             

Bereavement:  Food, flowers, (fruit baskets or other token gifts), cards, telegrams, proclamations, representations (comments at funeral, arrangements or other needs) visitations (of family, etc.) kitchen help, help family, etc.

Illness and Hospitalization:  Card(s), flowers, gift baskets, visitations, representations (care at home)

Hospitality:  Observe occasions to demonstrate the Love of God, care of individual; promote the value of membership at Abundant Harvest.  Such occasions may include welcome address, special thank you’s (written and verbal) special accomplishments & congratulations, special birthdays, new parents, weddings, or other special occasions.

Physical Needs: Address special needs such as clothing, housing, or needs in a crisis or other difficult situations (Deacon Board will address any distribution of funds) in conjunction with available resources such as United Way 211.  See our Family Services pamphlet for more details and available area services.

Compassion Team Leader - The Compassion Team is led by Sister Maria Holmes, who faithfully serves Abundant Harvest Church in many capacities.  She is the wife of Deacon King S. Holmes, Jr. and mother of three adult children and a grandmother.  She is dutifully attentive to the needs of others and the mission of welcoming others into the Kingdom of God.  Sister Maria retired in 2022 after 40 years in the telecommunications and technology industry managing regional community impact efforts in Michigan, Indiana, Arkansas and Kentucky.